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CCMW Waterloo-Wellington Chapter x Muslim Chaplaincy of Wilfred Laurier University

The Workshop aims to empower racialized women and girls to better understand online hate speech and extremism, including counterspeech and counter-narrative. With the incorporation of real-life examples, alongside live discussions on effective strategies to counter online hate, participants will have an increased capacity to recognize online hate and build the required skills and resources to counter it.

Workshop dates:

  • Anti-Islamophobia: Monday, December 20th, 2021 at 7:00 pm EST

  • Countering Cyberhate: Wednesday, December 22nd, 2021 at 7:00 pm EST

Topics include:

  • What is Islamophobia?

  • Gendered Islamophobia

  • What is Cyberhate?

  • CounterSpeech and Counter Narratives

Participants that attend the workshop will receive a Digital Anti-Racism Education Certificate.