Noreen Ghani


This week we share Noreen’s story. Noreen (name changed to protect identity) thought the Islamophobia she was experiencing in elementary & high school had something to do with her.This meant, she had to change. This was what she sadly believed, for the longest time!

Islamophobia is not only manifested as isolated incidents or overt attacks, but shows up frequently in our schools. Our educational institutions continue to be a reflection of colonial violence and systemic racism and school curricula are inundated with stereotypes and narratives that do not represent minorities or marginalized communities.

Our school curricula must include information on institutional racism, the long history of anti-Muslim racism, its effects on the lives of Muslims today, and how individuals can take action against both individual and institutional forms of anti-Muslim racism and other forms of racism.

It's time we create spaces for tough conversations, critical analyses and thoughtful reflections and make our schools truly safe and equitable.
